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Mission Statement:

The principle purpose of the McFarland Soccer Club (MSC) is to organize and promote soccer for the youth residing in the McFarland school district.  The McFarland Soccer Club is dedicated to providing a fun, recreational activity for all youth of McFarland.  We strive to provide a positive soccer experience that enhances player’s self-esteem, confidence, and personal pride while promoting the qualities of good sportsmanship, cooperation, teamwork, respect for others, and discipline

The McFarland Soccer Club belongs to MAYSA (the Madison Area Youth Soccer Association).  We comply with all policies of MAYSA and its governing body, WYSA (the Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association).

MSC Board Members

To contact a board member click on their name.

Larry Gates - President (2023)

Michelle Sampsom-Vice President (2024)

Steph Lovell- Mini-Kickers, U6-U8 Youth Commissioner (2026)

Katie Cappozzo - Registrar  (2026)

Nate Franke - Equipment Coordinator (2023)

Michael Ekedahl - Apparel Coordinator (2025)

Doug Fischer - Field Coordinator (2023)

Lisa Hoeme - Technology Coordinator/Tournament Scorekeeper  (2023)

Brooke Lundy- Concessions (2024)

Julie Ganshert-Volunteer Coordinator and Secretary (2025)




() = when term ends